Welcome To Your Masjid

Nazrah Quran

Learn to recite the Quran in Arabic · For all age groups · Male & Female.

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Memorise the Quran to become a Hafizul Quran · One-to-one classes

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Aalimiyyah Classes

Advanced course for those seeking to study the Islamic Sciences, Tafseer, Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence, Fiqh, Arabic grammar

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Tajweed/Qira’ah Course

A 2-year course to master Quran recitation leading to Ijazah.

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Islamic Wills

Supervised by an Islamic Scholar (Aalim) & prepared by an approved law firm based in Scotland.


Tafseer Class

Join our Urdu & English tafseer class once a week. Class is free to join.

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A two years Islamic studies program for the busy 15+ year olds.

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Young Muslim Philosophers Group. Free weekly sessions to help curious minds find answers to troubling questions.

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Our services are open to the brothers and sisters. 
Girls over the age of 10 are only taught by a female teacher in a girls only class.

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The Messenger of Allah (saw) said:

‘Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise’

- Bukhari​
